Fort Worth Ambassador, Tom Martens, shares how he became the Associate VP of Creative and Branding for Visit Fort Worth and the Director of Hear Fort Worth. His dream was to build a community around the musicians of Fort Worth, supporting locals while also improving the local economy through tourism. From a Lockheed USB Drive with music made by Fort Worthians to the city’s music video, Tom reveals different methods of branding because he knows it helps bring the city to life. A supporter of the arts, Tom has also worked hard to make Fort Worth a “Music Friendly City” by supporting musicians and working with the city to make playing music around town less complicated. Through Visit Fort Worth and Hear Fort Worth, Tom Martens has helped capture the heart beat of Fort Worth. Listen in to hear why Tom Martens is so proud to call Fort Worth, “The Modern West,” and to share his city with tourists and locals alike.
There’s a story behind every great business. We started the podcast, Stories with Soul, to dive into the wins, lessons, and secrets behind the success of heavy hitting leaders, entrepreneurs, and artists in our community. Join host Jamey Ice and co-host Jimmy Williams every other Tuesday to unpack another great story behind Fort Worth’s favorite brands. Brought to you by 6th Ave Storytelling.