Work Less, Earn More

Every month, I’m peeling back the curtain and sharing the ins & outs of my monthly revenue.


These income reports are an in-depth and honest look at how much my business earned, what it cost, and how many hours it took me to do it.


I’ll also share which tasks and projects really ended up paying me best so that you can see how I’m optimizing my business so that I can work less and earn more over time. Plus, you’ll get a time report, breaking down the time I spend on each activity and how that created a financial result (or not).


I hope that you’ll be able to learn from my trial and error, as I work to grow my business, my impact, and my income––all while keeping clear boundaries on my time and personal life.


Today, we’re looking back on March 2020.


Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How the recent quarantine threw off my structure and schedule and what we are doing to adapt
  • What our progress is with working ahead and planning for maternity leave
  • How my income has been kind of flat over the past few months–why that is and what I can do to fix it
  • Why I am moving forward with Facebook ads even though they are giving us a negative return
  • How we can give ourselves grace this month, but how, at the same time, it is still so important that we look for opportunities and make the best of our circumstances



What is Work Less, Earn More?

Work Less, Earn More is the podcast that explores how to get the most out of every hour you work. Gillian Perkins brings more than a decade of experience as an entrepreneur and educator to help you design a business that's not only flexible and fulfilling, but highly profitable. She shares strategies that are working in her own business to save time and maximize profits. She also features interviews with successful business owners on how they’re achieving big things in their businesses with crazy-little time investment. Share Work Less, Earn More with an overworked entrepreneur you know who could use a change of pace!