Decarb Connect

With an increasing amount of capital interested in investing in the energy transition and industrial decarbonisation, deal structures and the right way to mitigate project risk is gaining a lot of attention. In this episode, we look in particular at the UK market to uncover what structures are being deployed already and also what lessons might be learned from the last decade of renewables projects

Show Notes

How can we ensure that investment drives at-scale decarbonisation? The sheer size of investment needed and the complexity of projects emerging in decarbonisation and energy transition require project structures that deliver the highest levels of project performance whilst being realistic and investable for both industrials and investors. This week's episode draws on the experience of James Barrett-Miles from Greenmiles Consulting. James works with both disruptor tech companies and industrials, companies looking for holistic approaches to project development and investment. We talk about the volume of capital needed to fuel the right activity, the different structures and models for project investment - and also examine what the early renewables projects might teach us about getting the market for project investment moving. 

What is Decarb Connect?

Examining the strategies and deployments around decarbonisation in hard to abate sectors, we speak with CEOs, heads of corporate strategy, CTOs, Innovation/R&D, project directors & heads of carbon management from around the world. Hosted by Alex Cameron of the Decarbonization Leaders Network and Decarb Connect & produced by Janno Media.