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The Boondocks Podcast
Episode 8
Season 2
Ballin’ – S02/E08
- Lynxi Welcome
- Episode synopsis
- HBOMax Synopsis: Riley joins Tom’s little league basketball team and learns there’s more to the game than flashy moves, there’s crushing, humiliating defeat.
- Episode synopsis
Pre Show:
- Welcome to Demond Thompson from Demond Does and A Different World podcasts as our guest host while MJ is out.
- Palestinian crisis
- Ozarks Coalition. A leftist organization tracking hate crimes and fighting against racism.
- Reminder:
- Childrens’ sports
- Encouraging practice
- Parenting
- Trash talking
- Granddad’s boundaries
- Autistic tropes/ableism
- Educate yourself
- Selfishness
- Parents at kids’ games
White People Question:
- From a question michaelglover28 on TikTok got: “Where is your tail?”
- Additional question:
- From wy68nn on TikTok: “Do Black people pull up next to other Black people, with their rooftops down, and still lock their doors?”
- Have a “Stupid White People Question” you want to leave us?
- Email us at Hosts@TheBoondocksPod.comor leave us a voicemail at (760) 933-8636, that’s (760) WE-3-UNDO.
Post Show Info:
- We’ve got a Patreon now. Want a shout-out? Want extended episodes? Want to meet up for exclusive AMAs? Want to promote yourself or an event? Hit us up at
- Next week: Invasion of the Katrinians
- Need to see where we are on social media and such? Come find us!
- This is one of the two only episodes where a smile is seen on Huey’s face, after watching his brother make a basket.
- The first time the Mighty Deers’ uniform is seen, it is misspelled “Mighty Dees”.
- Riley winning the 3-Point Shootout without removing his warm-up suit (or his Tims) could be a reference to Larry Bird doing the same in the 1986 contest.
- The intro shows the NBA on TNT crew, including longtime white host Ernie Johnson, speaking exclusively in AAVE and frequently using the n-word.
- The autistic boy in the episode is based off of Jason McElwain, who is an autistic American; he came to fame on national news in 2006 when he played for four minutes and nineteen seconds during a high school basketball game and scored twenty points.
Show Music:
- Intro: #Makeachange by K.I.R.K. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
- Outro: Good Times by Audiobinger is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.