Tennis Rockers

Are you familiar and on the look out for your child's or student's "thinking face"? It's an external indicator or secret signal a fully engaged student is sending out when they are trying to learn a new concept or work on a particular part of a concept that you or your coach is teaching. Such a signal is the point at which you should fall silent and let them mentally stew. But are you?

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How many of your students are making the thinking face?  What is a "thinking face"?  What is happening with them when they make their thinking face?

If you know what to look for, you can spot the thinking face and you'll be glad you did.  

The thinking face is all about Intrinsic motivation - self-motivation - and a key to the student falling in love with our sport and deciding to come back.  The thinking face says professes interest and neural activity and an opportunity to take personal ownership.

Next time you're teaching, see if you can spot the thinking face and then allow it to simmer with your student.

Thanks for joining us on our journey!

What is Tennis Rockers?

Are you ready to re-imagine and reconstruct the way you realize not just the game of tennis but all the other ways you compete in life? Tennis Rockers pull together beliefs, concepts, ideas, people, and values from a cross-section of multi-disciplinary fields for the purpose of doing things a little different. Tennis Rockers don't just want to change the game, they want to help people think about changing how they see and live their lives.

Coach Claude and coach Sully cordially invite you to put the pedal to the metal and join an unconventional conversation on tennis and life. Nothing good comes from standing still.