RPI Takes On The World

I got triggered by a toilet paper meme and carry on about the fact that I don’t know how wet wipes haven’t taken over the number one spot in toilet hygiene. I also have started noticing that they’re playing stripper music in suburban grocery stores, and while I’m not necessarily mad at it, I am a bit confused. All this and a review of the first great country summer beer drinking record that just came out.

Show Notes

I got triggered by a toilet paper meme and carry on about the fact that I don’t know how wet wipes haven’t taken over the number one spot in toilet hygiene. I also have started noticing that they’re playing stripper music in suburban grocery stores, and while I’m not necessarily mad at it, I am a bit confused. All this and a review of the first great country summer beer drinking record that just came out. 

What is RPI Takes On The World?

RPI shares personal experiences, advice & opinions on just about everything.