Change of Plans

What do we rely on? 

Generally speaking, answer is in the room you are sitting in 
Change does not need to happen some time of major answer but starts with the little action. A slight change in your thought process, a step in a direction 
Tiny movements add up to big gains. 
Snow flake, to snow ball, to avalanche 
Figuring it out 
Progress does not require figuring everything out 
Important to great momentum 
Again little steps, solutions to life’s smaller problems 
Could be a phone call 
A 10 minute podcast 
A chapter in a book 
Little steps every day causes big results 
Everything can be a color on your canvas 
Its not about the situation it is about the reaction 
Power is in the ability to control your reaction not let the situation control you 
10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. 

What is Change of Plans ?

Millions of Americans find themselves stuck, struggling, and directionless. I became a personal life coach to help with exactly those needs. After finding help from a lifestyle coach myself, I can now share my experiences with you. It’s time to make a Change Of Plans.