AMPLIFY | The Podcast

In the third episode of our Emerging Futures series, written by Daniel Grimston and Jack Clearwater, we delve into a post-collapse world. In this, the first of a two-part series, we explore life in barren countryside - or what remains of it.  
Jack Clearwater is a writer, director and sound artist working across theatre, cabaret and ritual. He has performed at venues including Battersea Arts Centre, Somerset House, KILN Theatre and The Royal Academy of Arts as well as at the Lyric Hammersmith, where he was a member of the inaugural Lyric Ensemble.
Daniel Grimston is a playwright, poet, actor and podcaster whose work centres an exploration of the borders between humanity and the natural world. Daniel has demonstrated with Extinction Rebellion and Right To Roam. He is currently working on his first full-length play, Corpselight.
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FACEBOOK - @therisecollectiveuk
TWITTER - @r1secollective
Hosted by Daniel Grimston and Jack Clearwater
Produced by Amy Parkes (she/her) @aeparkes for The RISE Collective (Charity number: 1168856)

What is AMPLIFY | The Podcast?

Welcome to AMPLIFY | The podcast,

This is a series of podcasts created by members of The RISE Collective, a youth organisation that uses creative arts and media to amplify the voices of young people. In each episode we aim to explore a different theme via the work of an array of emerging and established artists, curated for your listening pleasure.

Series 1: The Lockdown Sessions
Series 2: Queer Joy
Series 3: Emerging Futures

The RISE Collective was founded in 2016 in response to the marginalisation of many of our youth. Through creative and collaborative opportunities we use music, film, arts, media and technology to give silenced young people the knowledge, skills and drive to understand their power, amplify their voices and create their own futures. We deliver activities and initiatives by partnering with charities, arts organisations, music venues, local community groups, musicians and influencers and all our activities are co-designed with young people.