Population Health Plug-In

Population Health Plug-In Trailer Bonus Episode 19 Season 1

HIV/AIDS: Testing, Treatment, and Care in Panama

HIV/AIDS: Testing, Treatment, and Care in PanamaHIV/AIDS: Testing, Treatment, and Care in Panama


December is HIV/AIDS Awareness Month, and as part of raising awareness of the issue, Dr. Ana Belén Araúz, a physician specializing in Infectious  Diseases at Hospital Santo Tomas in Panama recently visited UAB. While she was here, we interviewed her to learn more about  HIV/AIDS testing, treatment, and care in her home country.

What is Population Health Plug-In?

POPulation Health Plug-In is a podcast series that highlights emerging public health topics and issues that affect population health. Produced by the UAB School of Public Health, this show interviews experts from academia, practitioners in the field, and alumni to delve deeper into a variety of health-related topics. The broadcast also raises awareness of the work community-based organizations do to improve population health and healthcare in our community and how the UAB School of Public Health partners with these organizations.