Acquired Tastings

The boys make Halloween cocktails with the flavored whiskeys from last week

Show Notes

Dad brings the Haunted Graveyard Cocktail using Kings Distillery's Chocolate whiskey. Josh brings his original Misfits S'more using the Screwball Peanut Butter Whiskey.  Dad brings a few Halloween snacks.  He brings, Severed Toes in Bandages, Cheese-Stuffed Mummy peppers, Pigs in a blanket (that lost their ears in the oven) and Reese's Cups.  Josh uses coffee cups with faces made by Dad's brother at the Hot Springy Dingy located at 409 Park Avenue, Hot Springs, AR.  Josh and Dad have a great time snacking and sipping on their delicious cocktails.  Dad and Josh tell some Arkansas Ghost Stories. Dad throws in one from New Zealand. 

What is Acquired Tastings?

Father and son duo creating tasting episodes on wine, beer, spirits, and cocktails.