Men's Leadership Network Podcast

The Practices of a Godly Leader A MLN Interview with Jacob Scrimpshire, Rolling Hills Community Church Discipleship Pastor

What does it truly mean to be a godly leader and how are you growing to become a stronger leader? Jacob Scrimpshire, our Discipleship Pastor, joins Pastor Jeff to tackle the answer to this very question in today’s new podcast interview.

As a husband, a father of a household of boys, and a pastor overseeing discipleship, Jacob has had to learn what it means to be a godly leader both at home and in the workplace. Though he met Christ at a young age, it wasn’t until his mid-twenties that he came face-to-face with the reality that he had been carrying the weight of his sin for the entirety of his life instead of giving it fully to Jesus. From that point on, his life was deeply changed, and it was then that he felt the call to vocational ministry.

This call eventually led him to his current role as the Discipleship Pastor at Rolling Hills. In this interview, Jacob explains what discipleship really means and how discipleship can impact the lives of men. Along with this, he shares his experience of being poured into and discipled as he grew in his faith, and he emphasizes the importance of these in any man’s life as he is developing in his faith, in marriage, in fatherhood, and in manhood.

Daily actions of obedience, like reading the Bible, spending time talking with Jesus, and memorizing Scripture, make a difference in helping you become the man that God designed you to be. Jacob highlights that these practical steps can make a major difference in your personal health and growth, as well as the spiritual health and growth of your family. Your leadership directly impacts the legacy you leave behind for your family and those who come after you.

Next Steps

Do you have specific men in your life to disciple you and be godly mentors to you? If not, who could be that person in your life?
What is a specific practice in your life that you can implement to help you grow in your faith in Christ? Choose one practice or action step that you can begin to focus on this week.
What is the legacy that you want to leave behind? Think through and write down what that really means to you.

What is Men's Leadership Network Podcast?

The Men's Leadership Network Podcast brings you quick, informative topics that help you serve, grow, reflect, and connect in leadership, family, and business.