Beatitudes Radio

This week, Rev. Tony Minear, Ph.D. examines the life and experiences of Joseph as written in Old Testament accounts.

Show Notes

Our nation is divided. Divided by racism, by ideology and by party lines. Our recent election cycle has proven such. Although, you may think we’ve got the market cornered on division and polarization, the story of Joseph as told in Genesis tells an equally compelling saga of humanity in need of reconciliation and forgiveness. Join us as we begin our new worship series, "JOSEPH: King David's Doppelganger; Ruler of the Northern Kingdom". This week, Rev. Tony Minear, Ph.D. examines the life and experiences of Joseph as written in Old Testament accounts. Discover how Joseph modeled forgiveness and reconciliation despite harsh victimization and abandonment by his brothers. Learn three ways you can practice reconciliation and forgiveness of others this week to restore peace and, in the words of Thomas Jefferson at his first inaugural address in 1801, “unite with one heart and one mind.”

Recorded live at Beatitudes Church in Phoenix, AZ on 11/06/20 
Preaching: Rev. Tony Minear, Ph.D.
Scripture Reader: Janelle Tapphorn 
Scripture Reference: Gen. 37:1-4; Gen. 50:15-21 
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Evolving Christianity in today's world. This podcast is a mix of thought-provoking interviews, insightful questions and the deeper meaning behind sacred texts.