OR — Join us for the 10th Into the Box - In person ONLY!!!
Patreon Support (Caring)We have 41 patreons:
News and AnnouncementsICYMI - State of the CF Union 2023 Released
Help us find out the state of the CF Union – what versions of CFML Engine do people use, what frameworks, tools etc.
State of JS Union 2023https://stateofjs.com/en-us/ New Releases and Updates
ICYMI - OpenAI-powered ChatGPT has arrived for Ortus DocumentationWe are pleased to announce a fun little project that our Patreon supporters have been testing in private for a week or so. Ortus has rolled out our own OpenAI-powered chat bot, which is fueled by all of the documentation in our GitBooks! This behaves similar to the ChatGPT you’ve likely played with, but is custom loaded with all of our most recent documentation.
https://chatgpt.ortussolutions.com/https://community.ortussolutions.com/t/openai-powered-chatgpt-has-arrived-for-ortus-documentation/9582ICYMI - Adobe ColdFusion 2023 Public Beta now on ForgeBoxAdobe ColdFusion 2023's public beta is now on ForgeBox for you to test out in CommandBox servers or Docker containers. Use "cfengine=adobe@2023-beta" to start it up and ensure you're on the latest CFConfig. Happy testing!
https://twitter.com/bdw429s/status/1638987316445446144Introducing the CFML Jupyter KernelJames Steinshouer created a new CFML Jupyter Kernel powered by CommandBox. This project is open source, and hosted on GitHub at
Webinar / Meetups and Workshops
Exploring APIS: Building Applications with ColdFusion, REST, & GraphQLMark Takata
April 18, 2023
10 AM - 11 AM PT
In this session, Mark Takata will demonstrate the power of ColdFusion's data access capabilities by building three different applications. These applications will include a Google Translate clone, a low-code Contacts Manager, and an ETL workflow that integrates no-SQL with a relational database. Mark will use a combination of built-in ColdFusion tooling and freely available third-party integrations to build these applications, providing attendees with valuable insights into ColdFusion's API & data access development capabilities. All code samples will be available on GitHub following the talk in order to help attendees kick-start their own versions of the apps.
https://exploring-apis-coldfusion.meetus.adobeevents.com/CFCasts Content Updates
https://www.cfcasts.comNew FeaturesConferences and Training
J on the BeachBringing DevOps, Devs and Data Scientists together around Big Data
May 10-12, 2023
Malaga, Spain
https://www.jonthebeach.com/ Ortus Profile:
VueJS Live MAY 12 & 15, 2023
https://vuejslive.com/ Into the Box 2023 - 10th EditionMay 17-19, 2023
The conference will be held in The Woodlands (Houston), Texas -
This year we will continue the tradition of training and offering a pre-conference hands-on training day on May 17th and our live Mariachi Band Party! However, we are back to our Spring schedule and beautiful weather in The Woodlands! Also, this 2023 will mark our 10 year anniversary. So we might have two live bands and much more!!!
Website launched:
https://intothebox.orghttps://itb2023.eventbrite.com/ VueConf.usNEW ORLEANS, LA • MAY 24-26, 2023
Jazz. Code. Vue.
Workshop day: May 24
Main Conference: May 25-26
https://vueconf.us/ CFCampJune 22-23rd, 2023
Marriott Hotel Munich Airport, Freising
Speakers are being announced
https://www.cfcamp.org/sessions.htmlhttps://www.cfcamp.org/More conferencesNeed more conferences, this site has a huge list of conferences for almost any language/community.
Blogs, Tweets, and Videos of the Week
4/7/23 - Blog - Nolan Erck - ColdFusion Summit East 2023 RecapThe 2023 CF Summit East Conference wrapped up yesterday — it was a fun, albeit short, trip. I’m already on a flight back hope; sadly no time for tourist things on this trip (tho my sushi dinner with Minh Vo yesterday was fantastic so I’ll take that as a win).
4/7/23 - Blog - Jim Jurista - Common Issues when Migrating to ColdFusion 2021Here are some of the things we had to address a migration from Adobe ColdFusion 2016 to Adobe ColdFusion 2021 for a client project.
https://medium.com/@jjurista/common-issues-when-migrating-to-coldfusion-2021-4c8fa3c8121b4/9/23 - Blog - Ben Nadel - Using navigator.sendBeacon() To Publish Analytics Back To ColdFusionLast week, on Episode 227 of the Web Rush podcast, Sasha Shynkevich, talked about Browser APIs You May Not Know About. In that discussion, she mentioned the Beacon API as a means to efficiently and predictably send analytics data back to the server. I had never heard of the Beacon API before; but, it sounded like something that would be very helpful in customer-facing applications (where delivering metrics and analytics is key for a product's continuous improvement). As such, I thought I would experiment with using the navigator.sendBeacon() method to publish analytics data back to my ColdFusion server.
https://www.bennadel.com/blog/4444-using-navigator-sendbeacon-to-publish-analytics-back-to-coldfusion.htmhttps://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/sendBeacon4/10/23 - Slides - Brian (@hoyahaxa) - Slides from ColdFusion Summit East 2023 - "Codes, Ciphers, and ColdFusion: What They Don't Want You To Know"I spoke at ColdFusion Summit East 2023 last week. I was fortunate to catch some good talks and Springtime in Washington, DC is always a great time to visit. My talk was on ColdFusion and Encryption -- what to use, what not to use, and how to securely implement encryption into your applications. I've shared my slides below, and I plan to turn the content into a few forthcoming blog posts.
https://hoyahaxa.blogspot.com/2023/04/slides-from-coldfusion-summit-east-2023.htmlCFML JobsSeveral positions available on
https://www.getcfmljobs.com/Listing over 57 ColdFusion positions from 36 companies across 28 locations in 5 Countries.
1 new jobs listed this weekFull-Time - ColdFusion Developer - Remote, United States - General Dynamics Information Technology
Posted Apr 10
https://www.getcfmljobs.com/jobs/index.cfm/united-states/ColdFusionDev-Remote/11562Other Job Links