By day, engineering leaders craft innovative solutions with elegant strings of code. But when the work day ends, who do these keyboard warriors and the people who manage them become? Five to Nine - gives an exclusive glimpse into the lives of software engineers and the minds who guide them, brought to you by Jellyfish CEO Andrew Lau. Peer behind the scenes as we delve into the diverse realms these tech virtuosos inhabit after the clock strikes five. From vinyl DJs who keep it old school to virtuoso cellists and from connoisseurs of meticulously brewed coffee to daring cultivators of forbidden tomatoes – each guest unveils a hidden facet of themselves. But what's more intriguing is the connection between these avocations and their roles as product and engineering leaders. The question remains: Who are you when the laptop closes? Discover the captivating obsessions that shape these remarkable individuals and illuminate a different dimension of leadership.