Madames, Heauxs, and Gigolos

Years ago we watched Bill Cosby, smiling at his warm hearted moments, and with his silly dad jokes and self-deprecating humor only now to realize the man who left an entire generation wishing he was their father but… he was also a monster.

Show Notes

William Henry Cosby Jr. broke cultural and racial barriers in 1961 when he co starred in I Spy and won three Emmys. He wrote best selling books about parenthood, had a Grammy award winning comic routine where he developed the Fat Albert character, developed The Cosby Show where he played Cliff Huxtable and gained the reputation of being “America’s Dad”. He endorsed Jell-O products, and Coca Cola he was a husband and a father. America grieved with him when his son Ennis, was murdered in 1997. 

Years ago we watched Bill Cosby, smiling at his warm hearted moments, and with his silly dad jokes and self-deprecating humor only now to realize the man who left an entire generation wishing he was their father but… he was also a monster. 

A monster who preyed on women, manipulating them into a false sense of security, grooming them and drugging them and assaulting them while he played a character who embodied a family oriented comedian. 

What is Madames, Heauxs, and Gigolos?

Madames, Heauxs and Gigolos explores the fascinating history of sex work, events in sexual revolutions, people in history, other topics around sex, and the history of sex work. Join hosts Heather, Connor, and Anthony as they discuss the oldest profession and all things relating to sex and history. Heather’s research, Connor’s wit, and Anthony's charm collide to bring a bi-weekly podcast celebrating the stories of courageous women and men who have been shunned by society because of their trade, sexual preferences, or free love thinking and still manage to become prominent people in history that you don't learn about in school.