Good News for Today

While the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is in the rearview mirror and may be the only time the presidential candidates take to the debate stage, Southern Baptist Convention President Clint Pressley says believers should recognize the “transcendent policy issues of our time,” which he lists as the sanctity of life and marriage, gender issues and religious liberty.
“Cling tenaciously to a biblical worldview, and don’t be manipulated,” he said. “Pray for God to give us wise and discerning leaders. Trust that God is sovereign and that Christ’s kingdom is not of this world.”
Texas ethicist Dan Darling encouraged church leaders to keep a healthy perspective during a contentious campaign season.
“Pastors have an opportunity in this election to help their people steward their citizenship well by weighing the issues, voting, and conducting themselves in a way that honors Christ,” Darling, public policy professor at Southwestern Seminary said. 
“Even though the partisanship of the election can be wearying, American Christians should be thankful for the opportunity to influence policy, both local, state, and national. This is a privilege many millions of people around the world only wish they had. We can do that while also remembering that our ultimate citizenship is in Heaven.”
A recent State of the Bible study revealed Gen Z is the least likely to turn to the faith community and medical professionals for help navigating mental health issues, researchers found. Instead, Gen Z is more apt to turn to a trusted family member or social media for help, although only 15 percent of Gen Z would turn to social media platforms for help.
Regarding fears, financial stress or hardship strikes extreme fear in 31 percent of Gen Z, compared to 21 percent of Gen X, 20 percent of Millennials and 12 percent of Boomers.
Grief and loss? Thirty-one percent of Gen Z are extremely fearful, outpacing 21 percent of Millennials, 19 percent of Gen X and 14 percent of Boomers. Extreme fear of family stress or trauma befalls 29 percent of Gen Z, 20 percent of Millennials, 19 percent of Gen X and 10 percent of Boomers.
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