PaedSoc on a Pod

This month, Aleena and I are going through our neurology block, learning about all things related to the brain and head injuries. In this episode of Paedsoc on a Pod!, we delve into the critical topic of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) with our guest, Dr Thomas Moss, a resident medical officer from Newcastle, aspiring paediatrician, and JMP alumni. 

As the conversation unfolds, Dr. Moss shares insights from his medical training and experiences, from working in the hospital system in Australia, and shedding light on the signs, symptoms, and long-term consequences of SBS. Together, we discuss the alarming prevalence of SBS cases, dispel common myths and misconceptions, and emphasise the urgent need for education and intervention.

What is PaedSoc on a Pod?

Hi, this is Minuri and Aleena! We are 2nd year medical students in the Joint Medical Program here at the University of New England. The show is run by the UNE Paediatrics Society, where we aim to discuss the intricacies of paediatrics with a variety of guests, from junior medical officers, clinicians and academic deans to provide you with a myriad of experiences and expertise.

Keen to learn about paediatrics? Follow us on social media:

Instagram: @unepaedsoc

Facebook: University of New England Paediatrics Society

This show is intended for educational and informative purposes only, and should not be taken as medical advice. If you are in need of medical care or advice, consult with your doctor or GP.