Dog Save The People

Dr. Robert Garofalo is a physician who worked in adolescent HIV Services and medicine at a Chicago hospital. However, after he received an unexpected HIV diagnosis of his own, he struggled to follow the same advice he had given to his patients for coping and loving themselves. The only way he was able to restore balance and joy to his life again was after getting his Yorkie, who brought him out of himself and back to a more centered place. He started a nonprofit, Fred Says, in his honor to raise money for HIV youth. Rob recently collaborated with returning guest and dog photographer Jesse Freidin on a book, When Dogs Heal, which celebrates the crucial positive role dogs have played for those with an HIV diagnosis.

When Dogs Heal website -

Amazon book link for When Dogs Heal: Powerful Stories of People Living with HIV and the Dogs That Saved Them -

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Fred Says website -

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Jesse Freidin website -

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Jesse Freidin on Twitter -

Show Notes

Host John Bartlett talks to Dr. Robert Garafalo about the journey of his dog helping him through his HIV diagnosis, and his new book 'When Does Heal' about how dogs have helped people with HIV across the country (a collaboration with returning guest and dog photographer, Jesse Freidin). For more information about the episode, guest, and featured social media or links:

What is Dog Save The People?

How caring for dogs transforms who we are as a person and changes our lives for good. Interview series hosted by John Bartlett, fashion designer and animal activist.