Add Ten Gallons Concrete Podcast

In this bonus content episode the Add 10 Guys talk about the political, economic, and industry struggles related to a port in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. Vulcan owns it, Cemex uses it, and the Mexican Government is highly involved with it. 

This episode will take a deep dive into the players involved, their history, what this means for the concrete industry moving forward, and everything you need to be aware of. 


Creators & Guests

Joey Bell
Joey is a turkey hunter, dad, husband, and concrete nerd.

What is Add Ten Gallons Concrete Podcast?

Welcome to the Add 10 Gallons Concrete Podcast, where show hosts Paul Fendley and Joey Bell discuss everything related to the concrete industry. Join us as we explore topics ranging from concrete production and materials to construction, quality control, academia, equipment, manufacturing, industry shows, conventions, and other key issues pertinent to the concrete industry.