Ramen FM 🍜

We spoke to Dominic Monn, a longtime Ramen Club member, about bootstrapping MentorCruise - the go-to marketplace to find a career coach or mentor. They help career professionals turn their knowledge into a marketable coaching business, and also make it possible for mentees to find a perfect mentor with just a few clicks. Covering all sorts of topics from software engineering, to design and everything inbetween. They’re now making $25k per month or $140k monthly GMV. 

We discussed how journey reaching this figure, balancing a full-time job in AI with indie hacking, the unique challenges he faced as a marketplace founder, plus much more.

Ramen FM brings you in-depth conversations with bootstrapped entrepreneurs building profitable internet businesses. Including both members and friends of the Ramen Club community. Ramen Club is building the community, content and tools supporting founders to ramen profitability, and beyond.

What is Ramen FM 🍜?

In-depth conversations with bootstrapped entrepreneurs building profitable internet businesses. Including both members and friends of the Ramen Club community. Ramen Club is building the community, content and tools supporting founders to ramen profitable, and beyond.