In this episode, TXOGA President Todd Staples, Director of Government & Regulatory Affairs Shana Joyce and Chief Economist Dr. Dean Foreman discuss industry’s preparations and protocols for winter weather, plus the importance of natural gas in supporting the state’s electric grid and an overview of how natural gas markets work.
TXOGA: Natural Gas Facts

TXOGA: Winter Ready

TXOGA: A post Winter Storm Heather analysis by TXOGA found the state’s electric grid was largely supported by natural gas. Together, all thermal sources including natural gas accounted for nearly 95% of electricity on the grid during the peak demand period, with weather-dependent sources providing 3% and battery storage 1%.

Reuters: In January 2024, North Dakota production across the Bakken Shale fell by half, largely due to extreme cold weather.

What is TXOGA Talks?

Welcome to TXOGA Talks, where energy meets insight! The purpose of this podcast is to provide you with a candid conversation about our energy needs, our energy security, and your energy future. Texas oil and natural gas have made our nation the world's energy leader, constantly innovating and investing to fuel the economy, protect the environment, and power the world. This industry is fast-paced, hi-tech, and essential to improving modern life, and we're here to talk about it!