Big Ideas Raleigh

Did you know Raleigh has over 10,000 acres of parkland? In this episode, you will learn how to maintain our parks, from greenways to urban forests. In this episode, you will hear from Parks and Greenway Infrastructure Superintendent Brian Johnson, Urban Forester, Zach Manor, and Assistant Director of Parks Charles Craig.

Raleigh Parks is powered by the City of Raleigh Parks and Recreation Department, and is hosted by Cara McLeod.

What is Big Ideas Raleigh?

Get ready to dive deep into the heartbeat of Raleigh as we explore our hidden gems, thriving food scene, rich history, and beautiful parks — as well as the programs, people, and ideas helping to navigate Raleigh’s biggest challenges, like growth, transportation and housing.

“Big Ideas Raleigh” is not just a podcast; it's a journey through the past, present, and future of our beloved city. So, buckle up for engaging conversations with the people behind Raleigh’s big ideas.

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