Just Between Coaches

Clarifying a niche raises a lot of questions for many coaches. Won’t I miss opportunities? How do I know what niche to choose? Can I afford to do that? In this episode, Melinda and Sharon Richmond dive deep to expertly answer these questions and more.

Show Notes

The idea of narrowing the scope of your coaching business to a specific niche can seem a bit scary and counterintuitive. Sharon Richmond, the founder of Leading Large, acknowledges and understands first-hand that fear and hesitation and explains why clarifying a niche is actually expansive, not limiting.

     In this episode, densely packed with answers and advice, Melinda and Sharon discuss how to define a niche as well as the benefits of appealing to a specific client base and what Sharon calls “targeting value”. Similar clients have similar pain points, so targeting a particular client base provides opportunities for shared stories and growth for your clients and for your business. It’s not so much about demographics but about common challenges. Sharon recounts her experience of honing in on her coaching niche and the enormous benefits it has brought to both her and her clients. 

    In this episode we discuss:
  • Should you define a niche? 
  • How can you determine what your specific niche should be?
  • Will you lose opportunities and clients? 
  • What about newer coaches just starting out?
  • How can clarifying a niche help with marketing efforts?

“Mostly what kept me from being able to define a niche is that I wasn’t confident enough or clear enough myself to be able to describe the who and why of my practice.” 

“[Narrowing] allows clients to find me and know that I am someone that works with people just like them, and that turns out to be the biggest thing.”  – Sharon Richmond

Sharon Richmond

Guest bio: My executive clients are amazing leaders, and are building companies they are proud of. Working with them is my greatest joy, says Sharon Richmond, the founder of Leading Large. Sharon is an executive coach and consultant, leadership expert, course creator, lecturer, speaker, and published author specializing in business-driven change execution.

     She is also an MBTI Master Practitioner, known internationally for her work on how MBTI types lead best. She’s certified and works with emotional intelligence tools (EQi, MSCEIT) and has for many years taught leadership at Stanford GSB and Stanford University.

     Sharon has 30+ years of partnering with clients to improve their leadership, accelerate change, and achieve their most important goals:

  • Venture-backed to Fortune 50 companies
  • Thousands of leaders
  • Hundreds of teams
  • Leadership instructor at Stanford GSB & Stanford University
  • Founding director of Cisco's global Change Center
  • International speaker
  • Published author

Resources or websites for this episode:
  1. Mirasee 
  2. Coaches Console
  3. Sharon’s website 
  4. Sharon’s  LinkedIn

  • Guest: Sharon Richmond
  • Host: Melinda Cohan
  • Producer: Cynthia Lamb 
  • Executive producer: Danny Iny
  • Writer: Michi Lantz, Cynthia Lamb, and Melinda Cohan
  • Assembled by: Michi Lantz
  • Audio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher Martin
  • Audio Post Production: Post Office Sound
  • Music soundscape: Chad Michael Snavely

If you don't want to miss future episodes of Just Between Coaches, please subscribe to Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you're listening right now. And if you liked the show, please leave us a starred review. It's the best way to help us get these ideas to more people.

If you have a question for Just Between Coaches, put the show title in the subject line and send it to podcasts@mirasee.com

Music and SFX credits: 
•Track Title: Clouds
•Artist Name(s): Acreage
•Writer Name: Marshall Usinger

•Track Title: Coastline Dream
•Artist Name(s): Wild Sky
•Writer Name: Adam Simons

•Track Title: Coo Coos
•Artist Name(s): Dresden, The Flamingo
•Writer Name: Matthew Wigton

•Track Title: Stars & Trees
•Artist Name(s): Outside The Sky
•Writer Name: Dustin Ransom

Episode transcript: Defining a Niche? (Sharon Richmond):  Coming soon.


Creators & Guests

Melinda Cohan
Cynthia Lamb
Sharon Richmond

What is Just Between Coaches?

Where do coaches turn when they face a difficult situation with a client? Quite often, when coaching challenges arise, they reach out to a coach more senior than themselves. That’s the aim of Just Between Coaches — to be that trusted source of guidance for the coaching community.

Hosted by Melinda Cohan, coach and creator of The Coaches Console business management system, Just Between Coaches will answer the tough questions that coaches face every day. For example, what can I do if my client is lying? How do I deal with price resistance from prospects and clients? What if I want to fire a coaching client? And what the heck is a feeder course and why should I care?

This tactical podcast will provide a deep dive into one coaching topic per episode, which means searching for answers will be a breeze. It will also offer a simple way for listeners to refer other coaches who are grappling with those tough coaching questions. To submit a tough question you’re facing as a coach, put “JBC” in the subject line and send it to podcasts@mirasee.com.