Jason Daily

The show I'm at - if you're in the UK, worth checking out next year! https://digitalaccountancy.com/
Accounting Cornerstone Foundation https://accountingcornerstone.org/

🫂 A bunch of accountant communities:
Realize (my community) https://rlz.io/
Thriveal https://thriveal.com/
Future Firm Accelerate https://futurefirmaccelerate.com/
Roundtable Labs https://www.roundtablelab.com/
Bookkeeping Side Hustle https://www.facebook.com/groups/BookkeepingSideHustleGroup/
The Workflow Watering Hole https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheWorkflowWateringhole/
The Entrepreneurial Accountants https://www.facebook.com/groups/theentrepreneurialaccountants/
97 & Up https://www.nerdenterprises.com/97-up-business-academy

💰 Today's Sponsors
LiveFlow https://bit.ly/3tK7Llr
TeamUp https://www.hireteamup.com/
Keeper https://www.keeper.app/
Firm360 https://www.myfirm360.com/

🗣️ Continue the discussion on social!
Twitter https://twitter.com/JStaatsCPA
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jstaats/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@jasoncpa 

What is Jason Daily?

Dailyish conversations about public accounting, with your host Jason Staats. We talk about finding positivity, workflow, and how to make it through the next 12 months without burning out.