Melissa's Midlife

David is very well-known in de startup world, as he's helped startups to bring in their investments. Enjoy this open talk about modesty, learning and growing into a niche/specialization.

Show Notes

David is very well-known in de startup world, as he's helped startups to bring in their investments. He is also one of the most friendliest and helpful people in the startup world. I love this talk with him, which was a long time coming.

Some stuff that will surprise you during this talk:
  • David did a self-initiated presentation during is English Literature studies to prove Shakespeare is FAKE!
  • David worked at Canon to set up an audio-based product
  • David's view on Brexit-mentality
  • David's interview with Dutch rapper Def P has been life changing...
  • David's conscious choice to change his life

Check out David Beckett's website for more info:
Or follow/connect with him on LinkedIn:

What is Melissa's Midlife?

Fok, de veertig nadert, wat nu? De afgelopen 10 jaar was ik vooral bezig met gaan, gaan, gaan. Maar nu die grote 40 aan zit te komen, begin ik te twijfelen aan mijn gekozen paden. Wil ik wel ondernemer zijn? Wil ik wel trainer in leiderschap zijn? Daarom interview ik mensen tegen wie ik enorm op kijk, en probeer ik te ontfrutselen hoe zij de grote keuzes in hun leven hebben gemaakt, en of hun loopbanen niet iets voor mij is...

Luister wanneer je nieuwsgierig bent naar alternatieve carrière- en levenspaden, en/of interesse hebt in één van de uitgenodigde sprekers.