Your Fellow Human

Is your first thought usually your most authentic?

Today I want to introduce you to Andres, Andres is a passionate soul, one that focuses his time and presence on authentically experiencing not just those around him or where he is, but also life itself

Andres and I met a few years back on a project in Mexico and I knew him back then to be someone who was gentle and kind, someone who was conscious of his impact on those around him, and one that poured his heart into what he did

As luck would have it we were finally in his home country at the same time and got to explore together, it is an honor to get to share a bit of this human with you and a it of the beauty he chooses to put back into the world

We chat about why curiosity is something to press into, how reminding yourself what you are experiencing in the moment can change you, and how being a photographer has trained him well in becoming an uncle

He shares of a time when learning to paint a picture in words changed him, how he is excited and also how it scared him beginning his current project, and how it’s important to understand that what you do has value but it might not change the world

We talk about the power of travel, the value in appreciating simplicity and when things feel easy, and that truth exists but the way we see it can be different from one individual to another 

Andres is one that I have known to be quick to share knowledge, support, joy, and presence, he is one that I have seen value an individual over his time and one that I’ve seen act on what it means to show another they are seen.

So tune in today and meet Andres, a human that reminds us all what it is to slow down, to see, to experience, to live and to dream

And to you Andres thank you, thank you for being the human that you are, for your intentionality to stay in touch, for your heart to share your country and your time, for your joy, your support, and your friendship, you are a truly beautiful soul and it is an honor to know you and experience life with you @theboliviantraveler

What is Your Fellow Human?

These interview style episodes are all about the way we as people view life, the things we love and the things that cause us pain, the way we think, hope, and fear.

We each hold a unique place in this world, complete with our own dreams, culture, and perspective. It is the individual stories of those I meet along my journey that shape the way I see the world.

I’m excited to share these stories with you and hope they allow you to fall in love with humanity as they have for me.