People Places Planet

People Places Planet Trailer Bonus Episode 31 Season 5

Weighing The Social Cost of Carbon with Cass Sunstein and Kip Viscusi

Weighing The Social Cost of Carbon with Cass Sunstein and Kip ViscusiWeighing The Social Cost of Carbon with Cass Sunstein and Kip Viscusi

In this week’s episode of the People Places Planet podcast, Harvard Law Professor Cass Sunstein engages in an illuminating discussion with Vanderbilt Professor W. Kip Viscusi about the social cost of carbon—a hotly debated and frequently litigated number—that is used to quantify the harm caused by one ton of carbon emissions. They are joined by ELI Senior Attorney Linda K. Breggin and Vanderbilt Law student Kyle Blasinsky. This important number is used in developing a range of regulations and soon will be used in federal budgeting and purchasing decisions, as well as National Environmental Policy Act reviews, under a new Biden Executive Order. Professor Sunstein, an Obama Administration Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Administrator, discusses the key judgement calls that must be made in developing the social cost of carbon, such as the appropriate discount rate and approaches to incorporating equity, and offers his views on developing a number that can withstand arbitrariness review in any renewed effort to challenge the number in court. 

Professor Sunstein’s related article Arbitrariness Review and Climate Change was selected for inclusion in this year’s Environmental Law and Policy Annual Review, which recognizes scholarship that presents creative and feasible legal and policy solutions to pressing environmental problems. ELPAR is published annually by the ELI’s Environmental Law Reporter in collaboration with the Vanderbilt University Law School.
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Creators & Guests

Colin Gipson-Tansil
Colin Gipson-Tansil joined ELI in January of 2014 by way of the Great Lakes State. Colin serves as ELI’s Senior Digital Media Producer where he oversees digital media needs at seminars, webinars, and events, manages social media sites, assists with support of ELI’s various websites, and produces videos as well as podcasts. Colin earned his M.A. in Producing for Film, TV and Video from American University. Prior to his Master's degree, received his B.A. in Media Arts and Technology with a concentration in Film, Radio and TV from Michigan State University.
Nick Collins

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Welcome to People Places Planet, ELI's leading environmental podcast. We talk to leading experts across sectors who share their solutions to the world's most pressing environmental problems. Tune in for the latest environmental law, policy, and governance developments.