Under Cover

Misinformation not only spreads false or misleading claims, it spreads fear. In episode 5, RMIT’s third-year journalism students address the existing fear circulating in the COVID-19 pandemic as well as what we can do to productively move forward.

Producer: Indiana Hansen

Presenter: Kaylah Baker

Show Notes

Story one: Despite sounding modern, anti-vaccination activists are actually nothing new. Daniel Cook speaks with Oxford doctoral researcher Paula Larsson about the history of the anti-vaccination movement, charting its development from the first vaccine in 1796. For more on Paula Larsson, you can follow her on Twitter: @paulalars.

Story two: As the Australian arts industry begins its slow recovery after being decimated by the global pandemic, it faces a new threat that could halt progress in its tracks - the anti-vaccination movement.

Story three: Many claims about the covid vaccine causing infertility in women are circulating social media platforms. Kaylah Baker talks to fertility specialist Dr Alex Polyakov on if there is any truth to the claim and explores the impact it is having on young women.

Story four: Around one-third of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have some type of respiratory condition. Tyler Wright explores whether misinformation is making Indigenous Australians less likely to get vaccinated against Covid-19. Wright spoke with Ian Hamm, Chairperson of First Nations Foundation, and Alice Brooks from the Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia to find out how AHCSA are pushing back against vaccination fear.

Story five: Throughout the pandemic, epidemiological modelling has provided governments and the public alike with key information on the course of outbreaks. Callum Allday speaks with Dr Trish Campbell to discuss how modelling can be used not just to predict outbreaks, but to fight misinformation too.

Find us on twitter: @cover_podcast and/or give us a call: 90185005. 

If you have any concerns about the vaccine, you can talk to your local GP. For updated information on the vaccine rollout, visit the Australia Government’s website: https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines

What is Under Cover?

Under Cover is not just a podcast. It's a phone call, a voice message left for those who are lonely, confused or just need someone to talk to them at this time of isolation. It's a warm and friendly midnight radio for the world. It is a good friend who is informative, trustworthy and is there for you - with stories, songs and sounds to make you feel connected. With yourself, with your friends, with your world.