Song Cosmetic Dentistry

Eliminate the pain and embarrassment of stained, discolored and yellow teeth. The Song Cosmetic Dentistry Beverly Hills dental office offers teeth whitening treatments that restore your natural smile.

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What is the cost of getting your California teeth whitened?

Professional teeth whitening will cost you between $300 and $800. You can get a home bleaching kit from your dentist for $300 to $600.


Which is the best method to whiten your teeth?

In-office teeth whitening is the most efficient and fastest way to whiten your teeth. This procedure can be completed in under an hour. It can lighten your teeth up to eight shades and lasts up to five years.


How long does teeth-whitening last?

Teeth whitening Beverly hills can have lasting effects that last for up to 2 years, or as short as 6 months. It can vary from one person to another.

What is Song Cosmetic Dentistry?

At Song Cosmetic Dentistry, we provide the most advanced dental procedures, such as Invisalign, porcelain veneers and teeth whitening in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. Our friendly staff is here to help you improve your smile! We offer our services to clients in to clients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Westwood and surrounding areas.