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Language & Travel Hacking
Episode 90
Season 1
#90 St. Patrick’s Day Special: Sadelle’s Irish Journey
In this week’s special St. Patrick’s Day episode, Community Coach for the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge, Sadelle Wiltshire, talks with Elizabeth and Benny about learning Irish and joining the Challenge at an upper-beginner level.
This episode features Sadelle, who made significant progress with her Irish speaking abilities in just 90 days with the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge.
We guarantee that anyone who completes the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge will have a 15-minute conversation in their new language after 90 days of learning. You can find out more here.
Featured Resources
Mentioned in this Episode
- Fluent in 3 Months Challenge
- Benny’s Irish Instagram
- Benny’s Irish TikTok
- Benny’s Irish Twitter
- Teanglann dictionary
- Focloir dictionary
- Tearma dictionary
- Potafocal dictionary
- Futurelearn Irish from Dublin City University
- Gaeilge Gan Stró beginner textbook
- Ranganna beginner course
- Free Zoom classes from Philo-Celtic Society
- Let’s Learn Irish
- Tuairisc news site with learner content
- Nós online magazine
- Childrens’ stories
- Craic le Gaeilge Discord server
- Irish Wordle
- TG4 streaming TV shows in Irish
- Raidió na Gaeltachta
- Seachtain na Gaeilge
Additional Recommended Resources
- Conradh na Gaeilge Los Angeles
- Daltaí na Gaeilge
- Gaeltacht an Oileáin Úir / The North American Gaeltacht
- Irish language book club
- Video news clips and transcripts from Maynooth University - intermediate
- Children’s newsletter from Maynooth University - beginner
Episode Overview
Some of the topics brought up during the interview are:
- Joining the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge at an A2 level
- Humor as a motivator when learning
- Music and singing when learning Irish
- Getting your head around Irish pronunciation
- How to deal with the different Irish dialects
- Gaelic vs Irish
- How to build a community in your target language
- First steps and resources for Irish
- The secret to having fun in your target language
- Overcoming shyness, perfectionism and fear of speaking