Femme On

Yes! It is another Disney Discussions crossover episode where Femme On co-host Ria gets together with her Disney buddies and discuss all the films within the magic Mouse's domain!

For episode ten, we asked out listeners to decide what we would watch, and wow, did they stitch us up with John Carter. Luckily, the second choice of Zootropolis was much more fun.

Mike introduces the episode and we start off discussing the other films that were submitted and plans for the future of Disney Discussions and then talk about the first movie; Zootropolis (also known as Zootopia & Zoomania) including the animation, characters, social commentary and the group’s enjoyment of the film itself. And of course, we keep you all waiting for what you are really here for, our discussion of John Carter. We chat about why we believe the film flopped at the box office, what it was trying to achieve, what it failed & succeeded at and so much more!

Thanks again to everyone who has listened to Disney Discussions and extra thanks to everyone who got involved in submitting the numerous films and for those who share on social media – we appreciate you all!

Creators & Guests

Ria Carrogan (she/her)
she/her. Femme on Collective producer. Host of Femme on Film, Femme on TV and Hearts and Vaginas. Pop Guerrilla. Smash the patriarchy.

What is Femme On?

The Femme on Collective is a podcast collective where we discuss issues or pop culture that interests us, with a feminist, female view. Hosts Ada, Alyson, Jess, Ria and Tonya bring their unique voices to a variety of subjects including books, film, TV, feminism, comics, fitness, activism and so much more.