We listened, dear Listener!
Yes, after spending thousands upon thousands on expensive podcast focus groups we listened to the feedback... and after kindly giving the world's ears a deserving year and a half's rest from our nonsense – WE'RE BACK – to broadcast more flights of fancy from the Van Halen chopper!
Well, a news broadcast to be precise. Since it's been so long, there sure is a heck of a load for us all to catch up on.
Mainly thanks to the D to the L to the R, who has definitely not been inactive during this period and kindly given us an endless cavalcade of shocking shenanigans to dissect and discuss.
No spoilers here though – all of this tantalising talk and more in a brand new(s) episode!
Also, if you are so inclined with access to a keyboard and next door's Wi-Fi password, please do leave us a review inside your chosen podcast platform's review zone.
We also welcome messages or mentions on that angry social place that has since been rebranded with a swanky new name that no-one ever uses: twitter.com/talkinvanhalen
And on the Facebooks which nobody cool really goes on anymore: facebook.com/TalkinVanHalen
Enjoy the show, dear Listener! Thank you for being here and not over there.
Fistbumps aplenty,
Steve + Ross at ATBVH HQ.
PS. Here's the links that Ross mentioned during the episode: