ML Chat: Conversations with Multilingual Educators

This week on the ML Chat Podcast we are bringing you something a little different. Last month we hosted our latest in the ML Chat Webinar Series where we were joined by multilingual educators from across the country to discuss high-stakes assessments. 

The webinar featured Jen Albury and Jayme Croff, who you may have heard on previous episodes of this podcast. 

We covered some critical topics like:

  • How can do create opportunities for productive language practice as part of your curriculum and instruction?
  • How are formative moments in the classroom informing instruction? 
  • How do we embed productive language in Tier I? 
  • And something that is on a lot of our minds, how do you address the opportunity cost when students don’t exit ELD?

The conversation was so insightful, we wanted to share it with our podcast listeners! 

If you’d like to join our next ML Chat Webinar,  visit

For now, enjoy this engaging conversation with Jen and Jayme. 

What is ML Chat: Conversations with Multilingual Educators?

ML Chat explores everything to do with Multilingual student instruction. Do you oversee students that are learning English? ML Chat is the place to learn more and continue to refine your craft. In each episode co-hosts Tim Blackburn and Justin Hewett talk with experts, researchers, and district administrators to explore how to best serve our language learners.