
This video is all about how tech is changing the music biz.  Ever wondered how indie artists 
get their music heard? "un:hurd" is a company created by Alex Brees, who used to help artists get noticed, and now uses data to help them with their marketing. In this video, Alex talks about his journey from helping artists to working on Wall Street and finally creating un:hurd. He'll also explain how data can help artists get on playlists and why there's more to marketing than just that! Plus, Alex shares some advice for future business owners and explodes some myths about the music industry.  So whether you're a music fanatic or have a business dream, this video is for you!

What is SoundBreaker?

'SoundBreaker' with Bob Shami, where we uncover remarkable success stories in the music industry. Join host Bob Shami as he chats with industry leaders who defied norms and blazed their own unconventional paths to success. Get ready for raw and uplifting behind-the-scenes stories that unveil how these remarkable individuals made their breakthroughs in the music world.