
Anjali spoke with friend and community organizer Brandon Lee, Chicago's pre-eminent scholar on all things Star Wars (in Anjali's opinion), about the plethora of streaming tv shows from a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. Anjali also shares the reflections of political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal, whose 1977 essay "Star Wars and the American Imagination" still resonates in this current moment of empire versus rebels.   

What is Anjalivision?

Anjalivision is a twice monthly television review and interview podcast hosted by Anjali Misra, a Chicago-based freelance writer and community organizer, and general pop culture trivia savant. Each episode, she’ll offer her best analysis of current shows across multiple platforms and genres, and interview a guest “expert” on their favorite tv show or current obsession. Come for the intersectional feminist critiques of popular media, stay for the surprisingly deep conversations with folks from a variety of backgrounds, about what they love (or hate) to watch. Airing on the Trident Network!