The BivBros Show

This week on the BivBros Show: Matt went to the Vic Theater to see beloved friends Cary Ann Hearst and Michael Trent of Shovels & Rope while Evan saw a great piece of Atlanta theater involving murderous girls. Also: some horror movies, some Watchmen, and more!

Show Notes

This week, we got some rock concerts, some theater, and of course some timely horror movies to discuss:
  • BivBros are not actually bi-lengual but Evan does like the app Duolingo (not a sponsor—yet?).
  • Sleepaway Camp: a horror classic that is less popular than, say, A Nightmare on Elm Street, but just as dark, interesting, and horrible.
  • Horror movies the boys have watched recently: Evan saw Uncanny Annie and Just F#$king with You, but couldn't get past the first few minutes of the Autopsy of Jane Doe. Matt sort of liked Spring and one of Bradley Cooper's first movies, I See You.
  • Matt saw the first half of the new HBO series Watchmen. Really liked it, but we'll get into that another day. Regardless, they get their requisite minutes talking about comic books by recapping the concept of the original graphic novel the show is (loosely?) based on.
  • Evan thinks that they could include more "local flavor" on the podcast: sharing adventures and experiences that happen in their respective cities (Atlanta and Chicago). Matt got to see friends Cary Ann Hearst and Michael Trent of Shovels and Rope and gushes about them. We've been friends and fans of those two for almost 20 years and it just does our heart proud to see what they have accomplished. Their new album By Blood is fantastic and they pull it off gloriously live.
  • Evan supported his theater-producing neighbors in a great production of Mac | Beth, at the Atlanta Synchronicity Theatre ( It sounds amazing—what if MacBeth was a creepypasta story?
  • This show as always is brought to you by Bivins Brothers Creative (, where you can meet people that will build you the perfect website—even if you don't like the internet.
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(We'll get a real channel name if you subscribe there, too. Sorry to ask you to do so much work!)

What is The BivBros Show?

Evan and Matt Bivins live in two different cities. They develop websites and software, play rock and roll, and talk about movies, TV, books, comics and music.