I think one of the single most important threats to our physical, social and spiritual health comes at us through the influence that technology is having on our hearts and minds. I know that sounds extreme and perhaps cliche. I know that I am saying this on social media. But for those of you who know me, you know that I don’t use such sweeping statements lightly.
We live in the age in which the apocalypse is coming about not through external forces but through the internal crumpling of our mental fabric. And we are doing it too ourselves. This week on the podcast we tackle the question of protecting and cultivating our minds and hearts in a distracted digital age. The thing is, there is a specific reason why technology, and social media in particular, has had such a powerful impact on society - it has found a way to tap into our deepest heart longings, and to set them ablaze. To make us perpetually addicted to the salt water that makes our souls drier and drier. Of all people in society today, we as christians need to be experts is soul care. And yet, resources that we are give in Scripture and biblical community often go unnoticed.
A weekly conversation about following Jesus amidst the tensions & challenges of our post-christian culture.