Humans of Agriculture

In this episode, Host Oli Le Lievre chats with Bela Farbas the Founder and CEO of 4Zero Technologies (Bela will do a better job of explaining what this is in the podcast).

Bela shares his journey from his early days in Yugoslavia to his current (and unique) role in the agricultural industry and how it gives him “that warm and fuzzy”. 

What Bela and Oli chat about:
  • Bela’s upbringing in a farming town in Yugoslavia before moving to Deniliquin NSW and how it laid the foundation for his later work in agriculture.
  • The various sectors in which his company, 4 Zero, operates and the significant opportunities they are pursuing.
  • His transition from software development to data science and the evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI), highlighting the ethical implications and impact on jobs.
  • Bela explains his deep interest in the agricultural industry (it’s the core of what he does), driven by a desire to make a difference and increase his understanding of the food supply chain. He emphasizes the importance of bridging the gap between consumers and the realities of agricultural production.
  • Who he has on his team and how they(IT, electrical engineers, nutritionists etc. work together in the ag industry.
  • “It took me like five years to figure out is you need to listen to advice, specifically around taking a break… just remember, every year, just make sure you take a couple of weeks off.” 
  •  “Don't get too focused on the thing you're doing right now...always just listen to what's going on around you in the space you're in which things come up that might just be worth pursuing”

Podcast Sponsor Rabobank
Rabobank's RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness team has 90 analysts working in local teams across the worldwide Rabobank network. They generate knowledge, and develop views and insights on businesses, topics and developments in the food & agribusiness sectors across the globe. All analysts have their own sector specialisations—ranging from meat and fish to dairy, vegetables, fruit and floriculture, coffee and cocoa.
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What is Humans of Agriculture?

Welcome to Humans of Agriculture. This podcast series is dedicated to discovering more about our food system, from the people involved in it.

Along the journey we'll be meeting people from all walks of life from Australia and from afar. Join us as we find out how our communities and our culture shape what we eat, and ultimately who we are.
​More people, More often, Identifying with Agriculture