Welcome to SHE is Confident. Hi! This is Deon Teh and in this episode, I will be sharing with you about LISTEN TO YOUR INNER HEART.

Show Notes


Welcome to SHE is Confident. Hi! This is Deon Teh and in this episode, I will be sharing with you about LISTEN TO YOUR INNER HEART.

As women, we tend to worry about many things and always have difficulty to make decisions regarding our own journey. Maybe we were not aware that it could be because we don’t want to hold too much responsibility for ourselves. If anything happens and we feel it is troublesome and we need to solve it depending on how complicated the situation is.

Furthermore, we also don’t want to have many ups and downs in our lives.
On one hand, we think that we are not able to bear it, perhaps we are too comfortable in our environment and we don’t want to change the current situation. On the other hand, in our lives, we still keep complaining and not being satisfied with our current situation. 

We are often afraid of what other people will think about us. what if we fail after making the decisions. how do I face my family and friends and how can I explain to them? 

We tend to put our strength on others, but we forget that we are masters to our soul, we can direct our own show, we are the person who should make decisions for our lives, other people’s opinions are just for reference.

There have been two voices in my body, one is a very conservative voice while another is an adventurous voice, I remember after completing my O levels, I had thoughts about being a reporter.  At that time I really wanted to pursue this dream but the voice in my head told me that I might fail and the consequences that I face like judgments from others which makes me feel embarrassed about myself. 
Therefore, I have already made up my mind even before trying, hence I didn't pursue this dream. 

In the 1st ten years when I started working, I did not have any mentors or professionals to guide me in my career. Hence I was slow in my growth and awareness. Just like a headless housefly, I was living my life aimlessly and not knowing what to do. In the end, I stayed in my comfort zone as this is the safest and best place for me. 

3 years ago, I joined a self-practicing mindfulness course after reading an article about it, and also by coincidence a friend of mine invited me to join the same course. After attending the course, I have been faithfully practicing mindfulness in my daily life. 

As our main and subconscious minds always do not align with each other, therefore we need to learn to align them so that both of them can stop fighting and work towards an optimistic scenario. For me,  initially, I practiced by writing the gratitude journal before sleep, and after doing it for a year.  It seems both the main and subconsciousness are more aligned and now I’m able to be more optimistic in thinking.

I did not just simply stop at the course I attended, I also read a lot of books that are related to this topic and connect and discuss with the people who managed to overcome this issue. I also engaged an online teacher to help me with my mindfulness practice using her proper system and guidance.

These days, I am calmer towards outcomes that are not to my satisfaction. I would use another angle to look at it. I get clearer thoughts than before and I developed an intuition that helps me in making decisions for myself and works. 

I no longer blindly follow and listen to others. 
And because of the intuition that I developed, I am able to have more gut feel than before. 
Even if my gut feel leads to a wrong decision, I can always find alternative ways to handle it accordingly. 

When you feel stuck in your life, I will recommend that you join a workshop that you are interested in. It could be sewing, mindfulness, learning to do public speaking, etc., using that to help you get started and moving. It doesn't have to be an expensive course, you can try those workshops which are free or within your budget. 

Another way is to look for a mentor, it can short cut your journey and it is very helpful in many aspects that you might not even think of.

Most importantly, do not have too much fear, like how I mentioned in my previous episode, don’t be afraid of things that have not happened as it will limit your creative power.

You do need to put in efforts, no pain no gain. And frankly speaking besides the money investment I put in, I also put in the time to prepare for what I became today, doing the things that I want to do with no limitations. 

Like me, you will finally be able to make a decision based on your inner heart, you will know that that’s your intuition calling out. 

If you want to talk about transforming your inner child, healing your relationships with yourself and money, connect with me through my Facebook and the link is in the show notes.


I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing with you STAYING MOTIVATED.


She's confident - Imagine an event, a show where…

…women are gathering to inspire each other to step fully into their greatness.

A place where all the facades are dropped, and instead the real, raw truth is shared.

Imagine a safe place created just for you.

A place where you can dive deep into all of the fears that have been holding you captive.

A sacred place that allows you to hold space and support for each other as you dive deep into a life-changing transformation.

It is time for women’s voices to be heard

…for women to speak-up and share their truth and wisdom through the power of their stories.
This is why we are coming together to share the CONFIDENCE that gives women a stage to be real, raw and vulnerable as they share their stories so that TOGETHER we can lead with courage and Rise Up!