Journey to Inner Wisdom

Welcome to A Journey to Inner Wisdom. I am Crystal Kotow-Sullivan and your host of this Podcast. I am a Wisdomologist and I will be exploring Wisdom and the journey to our own inner wisdom.

As with any journey, there are many ways to get to where we are going. In this journey there are many tools available to guide us on the journey as well as people who will guide and mentor us.

I am going to talk about the ABCs of a Journey to Inner Wisdom…Awareness, Beliefs – private and conditioned, and Balance, Curiosity and Creativity, Discernment and decisions, the Enneagram and energy centres, Focus, Flow, and Flourish and Gratitude, Generosity and grace. At this moment it is the ABCDEFGs of a Journey to Inner Wisdom.

There is so much more to my journey as you will have guessed…so many chapters and so many transitions and my journey to inner wisdom continues. It is as I said for me it is the journey to discover my authentic self – the essence of my being.

Show Notes

I am going to talk about the ABCs of a Journey to Inner Wisdom…Awareness, Beliefs – private and conditioned, and Balance, Curiosity and Creativity, Discernment and decisions, the Enneagram and energy centres, Focus, Flow, and Flourish and Gratitude, Generosity and grace. At this moment it is the ABCDEFGs of a Journey to Inner Wisdom.  I will get the rest of the alphabet with time! Now, I must warn you that I will start with ABC but I may meander a bit!  Because as we all know Life is not linear!!!

I hope you will join me on this adventure.  Enjoy the Introductory Podcast: Wisdom and my Journey. 

What is Journey to Inner Wisdom?

Welcome to A Journey to Inner Wisdom. I am Crystal Kotow-Sullivan and your host of this Podcast. I am a Wisdomologist and I will be exploring Wisdom and the journey to our own inner wisdom.

I am going to talk about the ABCs of a Journey to Inner Wisdom…Awareness, Beliefs – private and conditioned, and Balance, Curiosity and Creativity, Discernment and decisions, the Enneagram and energy centres, Focus, Flow, and Flourish and Gratitude, Generosity and

grace. At this moment it is the ABCDEFGs of a Journey to Inner Wisdom. I will get the rest of the alphabet with time!