Anthroposophy to the Point
Episode 2
Season 1
Warmth and the Wim Hof Method
Wim Hof has lit the health world on fire, teaching people about their ‘Inner Fire’ and its ability to conquer the cold challenges of modern life. Anthroposophical Medicine has been focused on the therapeutic potential of Warmth for a century - how can these worlds speak to each other? Incoming head of the Medical Section, Dr. Adam Blanning joins the podcast.
Studies mentioned:
“Decreasing human body temperature in the United States since the Industrial Revolution” Myroslava Protsiv, Catherine Ley, Joanna Lankester, Trevor Hastie, and Julie Parsonnet eLife. 2020; 9: e49555. Published online 2020 Jan 7.
“Experiencing physical warmth promotes interpersonal warmth”
Williams LE. Science. 2008 Oct 24: 322(5901):606-7