Tales From The Kentucky Room

This episode has brief strong language when reading a quote from the killer in the newspaper, listener’s discretion is advised. 
Mariam sits down with longtime listener of the podcast Zach Davis to discuss the 1897 murder of local pension attorney Thomas H. Merritt. Zach Davis is the President and Principal Broker of local real estate brokerage Kirkpatrick & Co., and came across this story while researching Gratz Park. Jacob Harris shot and killed Merritt after suspecting Merritt was having an affair with his wife Effie. The murder captivated the nation, less because of the circumstances of the murder itself, rather because of the precedent set by the presiding judge D. G. Falconer in dismissing charges against Harris because of societal norms, rather than written law. 

What is Tales From The Kentucky Room?

Stories of Lexington, Kentucky’s history and people.