The Intuitive SAGE Podcast with Isabeau Maxwell

The Intuitive SAGE Podcast with Isabeau Maxwell Trailer Bonus Episode 64 Season 1

#64 A Tip to Release Impatience and Access More Intuition

#64 A Tip to Release Impatience and Access More Intuition#64 A Tip to Release Impatience and Access More Intuition

I was working with a student recently who was struggling with impatience. They were having a hard time waiting for their intuitive channel to open up to receive more messages. This is super common. If that sounds like you - this is the episode for you!

What is The Intuitive SAGE Podcast with Isabeau Maxwell?

Brought to you by the founder of The SAGE Method, Isabeau "Beau" Maxwell shares weekly lessons in intuitive living. Isabeau is a Lighthouse Teacher, lighting your way to your empowerment, one intuitive tool at a time. This podcast is all about intuitive development, increasing those fantastic synchronicities in your life, and really living and creating the bliss that is there for you on your spiritual path. Welcome! Jump on in and have some fun!