Pest Control

No one feels safe in the woods around Norfolk, and that's a fact. Since the opening of the town's mine and the attraction of individuals towards it's success there have rumors of unnatural occurrences. My sources recall a wide variety of otherwordliness in their tellings - wolves standing on hind legs, echoing screams or sobs with no source, strange shapes flitting across the moon - and while others might dismiss that as a symptom of their unreliability, I have always held an alternative theory: Norfolk is a queer place that many queer things have made their home. However, I can't say that I expected to witness my town's strangeness quite so directly as I did in the woods that night in the Spring, alongside two unexpected new friends. I hope they will not take issue with my characterization of the events to follow...

Here, the excerpt from The Norfolk Register cuts off. The date is missing, but the curator has assured you that the article was written somewhere around 1850, prior to the Boom that would create the Divot. The piece appears to be part of an ongoing column called "The Hidden Door" written by one Mr. Guthrie Lemon.

(Content Warnings: severed limbs, blood, gore, dead animals, serious wounds, grief, mention of memory loss, brief enclosed spaces, flesh)

Check out our amazing guest players!
Our guests this week come with three amazing shows all of their own! You should go check out Kaitlin's horror call-in show "Thin Places Radio" & "The Streampunks", Devin's excellent music and character work on "Band of Blades" actual-play show "Oathsworn", and Birdie's upcoming actual-play show "The Storyplayers". All come with our highest recommendations! 

Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)
Laura Ellison, the Spooky - Kaitlin Bruder (@kkamabr, She/her)
Annabelle "Annie" Parker, the Wronged - Birdie (@el3phantbird, She/They)
Guthrie Lemon, the Flake - Devin Nelson (@devindecibel, He/they)

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Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
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Check out the artist who did our cover art!

Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.
Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

What is Pest Control?

Pest Control is an actual-play horror tabletop show from AltHaven. Join Keeper Sam R, and players William, Jonas, and Sam D as they get lost in fantastical worlds featuring compelling characters, engaging story, and thrilling twists!

Season 1, "Fate", originally ran in 2019 as a livestream on the AltHaven (formerly Queuetimes) main YouTube channel. It uses the Monster of the Week game system. It follows a group of found-family monster Hunters as they set off on a journey across the United States, dealing with the creatures they encounter and drawing ever nearer to the end of the road...

Season 2, "Norfork", uses Monster of the Week as well as a mix of other indie tabletop role-playing games to tell the story of a world where everyone knows monsters exist, and a town that is slowly losing its identity to the enormous neighboring City.