#5Things: This Week in Social
Episode 169
Season 1
Hispanic Heritage Month Edition
This week, Grey is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with a special episode of #5Things. We are discussing five heroes and trailblazers of Hispanic culture. These trailblazers are from five different Spanish speaking countries and represent a variety of contributions from art, sports, humanitarianism, and resistance!
The subjects of this episode are:
- Nobel Prize winning writer, Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Colombia)
- 20th Century Spanish poet, Miguel Hernandez (Spain)
- The rebellious and resistant Mirabal Sisters (Dominican Republic)
- Baseball icon, and humanitarian, Roberto Clemente (Puerto Rico)
- Oscar winning filmmaker, Guillermo del Toro (Mexico)
A Spanish version of this podcast is also on this feed, it is our first episode recorded in Spanish!
Hosts: Margarita Castro, Danae Nunez, César Rodd
Special Thanks to Alvaro Soto
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