Primordial Path

You can spend the rest of your life trying to find happiness in the outside world, but if your mind stays the way it is now, you'll never find it. You'll always be looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If you want to live a healthy, disease-free life, use meditation and change the way you think.

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Meditation is a holistic treatment for disease. It is a more comprehensive treatment than medications, which tend to treat the symptom of the sickness, but can have unintended harmful side effects in other regions of the body. There are numerous examples of this. 

Meditation returns the treatment to the patient. The patient will be able to exert more control over their own health in order to treat the cause of the illness. The treatment will address the entire mind-body system. Through the practise of meditation the mind may be educated to heal the disease, but first one must learn to meditate and have more control over the mind-body system. When we are aware of the internal development of the mind and body, we can channel energy to where they are needed the most. 

What is Primordial Path?

Traditional, energetic practises, for anyone, anywhere.