The Sound

Tonight, on The Sound we check out the self-titled debut album from Bird and Air all the way from Oshkosh, WI. Bird and Air is the solo project from Steve McCabe, the frontman for Redshift Headlights, a staple of the Fox Valley music scene. Bird and Air’s self-titled debut is a collection of nine tunes that range from deep heartfelt emotion to silly but always close to the artist’s heart. All nine tracks have very personal stories and themes and cover the range of human experiences like being a parent or being a child or falling in love, and not necessarily in that order. Bird and Airs debut album takes you on a ride from somber to delightful to downright silly or even nightmarish depending on how you feel about racoons… Yea, you heard me right. And I have a feeling Steve would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren’t for those meddli… ah… ahem, crazy racoons… 

I’m Bill Stoneberg recommending you grab a stick, some weenies, or marshmallows, cozy up to the fire, and get ready for anything as we bring you Bird and Air’s self-titled debut, tonight on The Sound.

Original air date: 04/03/24.
 The Sound is written and produced by KQAL 89.5FM on the campus of Winona State University.
 The Sound is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

What is The Sound?

In studio interview show centered around local and regional music releases. Includes music from the featured album and discussion with the artist(s) about the writing, recording and distribution processes. Might sometimes include producers and engineers involved on the featured album.