Learn/Perform Mixtape

Delivery the Training & Media Options: How will you deliver your training? What are some of the mediums and modes you will select with regards to media for training? (AOE 3. Training Delivery; 3.5. Delivery Options and Media)

Show Notes

3.5. Delivery Options and Media [For Training Delivery]
Learning Objectives:
  • Define blended learning
  • Discuss two examples of when classroom learning or online learning are most appropriately used, and explain why
  • Define environmental considerations that ensure optimal classroom learning
  • Discuss the benefits of message boards and chat rooms to learning groups and online communities
  • State two benefits of online learning, and list two requirements for audio & video plug-ins
  • State the purpose of an electronic performance support system, and discuss when to use or not use one
  • Explain what is meant by self-directed learning, and describe two situations in which it is most appropriate
  • Identify the benefits of using games and simulations to deliver training
Blended Learning: “the practice of using several mediums in one curriculum. Typically refers to a combination of classroom and self-paced computer training” and it offers the best of both online and face-to-face experiences of learning environments (Biech, 2015, p. 49, 77)
  • Optimizes resources, providing the greatest impact for the least investment
  • Delivery format for a blended-learning solutions to solve a business problem
  • Technology characteristics will lend to the audience, location, content, & delivery of training for certain skills and knowledge
  • A marketing plan will inform and communicate this type of training program
Online Learning: describes how technology is leveraged via computers, mobile devices, Intranets or the Internet, etc. is used to apply learning concepts and delivery training. Other technologies that have been used: CD-ROM, DVDs, learning portals, learning management systems (LMS), email, collaborative tools, smartphones, wearable technology, electronic job aids, help systems, TV, etc. Here are a few things to help you determine if online learning is the best training delivery method before investing resources to develop it:
  • What is the performance deficiency or the learning opportunity that the intended program is expected to address? Is training the most appropriate solution? Would a performance support tool work just as well? Or better access to information?
  • Where is the target audience - all in one place or widely dispersed? How many people need to be trained? How quickly?
  • Is the budget adequate for online learning?
  • Is there technology available for online learning? Is there IT support?
  • Will the learning be developed internally or with the help of suppliers? Are there standards and protocols for working with supplier partners?
Asynchronous learning: learning/training where the trainer and learner do not participate simultaneously e.g. discussion board, email. 

Classroom Training:
a learning space set up like a traditional classroom environment led by an instructor/trainer/facilitator. 

READ: Why Can’t Learning in the Analog and Digital Just Get Along? By @laurapasquini

Selecting the Facility & Preparing the Environment
The facility for training will require a process, a trainer, facilitator or program coordinator to identify what this space should look like to enhance learning goals and plan for the physical setting to enhance reaching those objectives, activities, etc. This space might be set up for reception, a meal, theater seating, conference seating, classroom set up, or U-shaped seating arrangements.

You will want to consider the following factors for the room, set up, and space:
  • Screen size is important to determine the distance the last row of your seats should be and how they can view the screen for potential presentations
  • Peripheral facilities will consider the Wi-Fi connectivity, access to speakers for sound, or other outlets needed in the room if people are bringing their own devices
  • Environmental factors to reduce distractions, obstacles, and remove any barriers for participants view, audio, etc.
  • Preparing materials and equipment: allow for set up time to move any furniture, technology, or equipment before the training starts
  • Room arrangements for Training Sessions: circle, broken circle, circular table, square table, rectangular table, u-shaped table, classroom/lecture style, theater style
READ: Preparing Your Training Environment by Elaine Biech

Distance Learning:
educational delivery in which the instructor and students are separated by time, location, or both; can be synchronous or asynchronous; characterized by interaction between the learner and the trainer, among learners, or between learners and learning resources by using one or more learning technologies

READ: What is Distance Education? Via MSU Office of Instructional Technology

Ways to train with electronic presentation and distribution methods:
  • Presentation software: PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote, etc.
  • Web conferences: Zoom, Adobe Connect, GoToMeeting, etc.
  • Distribution Channels: social media, microsharing, cloud-based, apps, podcasts, etc.
  • Collaborative spaces: wikis, Google docs, Slack, etc.
  • Engaging Activities Using Common Virtual Tools (Huggett & Corbet, 2009):
    • Share documents, whiteboards, polling, chat, interactive discussions, multimedia
READ: 6 Tips To Design Interactive Virtual Classroom Training

Benefits of Technology-Based Training include:
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Speed and precision
  • Access anytime, anywhere
  • Self-direction for learners
  • Synchronous vs. asynchronous options
  • Online communities: In episode 3.4., we talked about Communities of Practice (CoPs) -- where a group of people who have a common interest in an area of competence and who share their experiences of their practice - might also form informal networks and build learning communities online. 
Technology-Based Terms and Definitions for Training:
  • Asynchronous learning
  • Audio
  • Blog (weblog)
  • Browser
  • Chat room
  • Collaboration technology
  • Community of practice (CoP)
  • Electronic bulletin board
  • Electronic performance support system
  • Electronic text
  • Mobile learning
  • Multimedia 
  • Online help
  • Online learning 2.0
  • Podcast
  • Simulation
  • Teleconferencing
  • Video
  • Virtual classroom
  • Virtual world
  • Web 2.0
  • Wiki
This is what's listed in the ATD guide -- what needs to be added? Removed? Revised?

Talent Development Performance Support Systems
Job Aid: is like a cheat sheet or stage place for information that employees will want to refer to when performing a task. This could be a reference or check list of things to remember for steps or a process for functions of their job. Typically it offers step-by-step guidance for performing a task within their job e.g. pilots use a pre-flight checklist before take off
  • a task performed with relatively low frequency
  • a highly complex task
  • a task with high consequence of error
  • A task with a high probability of change in the future
Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS): is a computer application that’s linked directly to another application to train or guide employees through completing a task in the target application; a comprehensive computer-based job aid. Often the EPSS is used for training or as a job aid itself (just electronic format). The training and job aids are complementary solutions. Keep in mind that EPSS or a job aid is often less expensive than other training, and this is only when the employee needs this support. Also employees will not retain this knowledge or skills, but use the job aid or EPSS when they need it as reference.

Games and Simulations
: are a way to model and represent real situations; they can introduce new skills, challenge current thinking, and guide new ideas for the future. This allows employees to practice, experiment, and apply learning in certain situations before encountering them at work. It is critical to debrief after the game or simulation with this training method.

READ: 10 Secrets of Successful Simulations

Experiential Learning:
or discovery learning -- where learners encounter a problem in an activity, respond to the problem, identify useful knowledge or skills gained, debrief what was learned, and plan for transferring what they learned. 

Self-Directed Approaches
: self-directed learning or SDL refers to self-paced training programs that use a wide variety of media digital, print, etc. less formal types of learning e.g. team learning, knowledge management systems, and self-development programs

On-the-Job Training (OJT
): happens in normal work situations using the tools, equipment, documents, or materials that employees will use during their regular work day. It often takes place with employees and using structured solutions like coaching and mentoring

Support of Personal Learning Networks
: Check out episode 3.4. For more on PLNs and how you can use these communities to learn.

Books and articles referenced in this episode:

What is Learn/Perform Mixtape?

The Learn/Perform Mixtape is a podcast of my study notes as I prepare for the Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP). More at: https://techknowtools.com/learnperform-mixtape/