The Empowered Leader

Introducing The Empowered Leader Podcast - a podcast for a new wave of leaders. Learn more about who this podcast is for, what to expect in future episodes, and learn about me - your host, Katherine Yasi, and my career and leadership journey that brought me to starting this podcast & Look Within Leadership.

Show Notes

Welcome to Episode 1 of the Empowered Leader podcast. 

This podcast is for a new wave of leaders. 

Leaders who know that true power comes from within, not from titles or achievements. 
Leaders who seek balance and optimal wellbeing, not extreme highs and lows that can come from hustle culture and burnout. 
Leaders who understand that culture starts with us, we must know psychological safety within ourselves for it to exist within our team or organization. 
Leaders who value authenticity, emotional intelligence, and creative thinking. 

In this episode you'll learn more about what to expect in future episodes. You'll also learn about the host - Katherine Yasi - her career narrative with a focus on personal learnings that impacted her leadership journey.

Follow along with Katherine & Look Within Leadership:
On Clubhouse - @katherineyasi

What is The Empowered Leader?

The Empowered Leader podcast is for a new wave of leaders interested in changing the culture of traditional leadership. Learn new skills, frameworks, and gain valuable insights and perspectives through authentic conversations with leaders from diverse backgrounds and experiences.