P3 Podcast

In today's episode, Phil and Nath sit down to discuss Lockdown and how it's affected Pro-Noctis and their routines. They talk about the immediate problems they have faced and how they are getting through. They speculate on the long term issues the pandemic may cause businesses, and how leaders may best navigate these uncertain times.

Show Notes

Topics Discussed:
  • The strangeness of early Lockdown, and how the streets seem so empty.
  • How people in careers such as Phil and Nath are more used to working from home, and how those used to the morning commute must be struggling more.
  • How Lockdown is bringing people closer to their families.
  • The importance of making sure you get time alone.
  • Tactics for making sure you stay mentally and physically well during the lockdown. 
  • Lockdown is the perfect opportunity to build good routines and habits.
  • Tactics athletes use when on training camps to stay focused and motivated to train and rest for long periods of time.
  • How the Olympics are now postponed and the problems this may cause for athletes. 
  • How adapting our coping strategies throughout Lockdown will help us.

What is P3 Podcast?

The Pro-Noctis Performance Podcast (P3) is the place to be if you are interested in topics such as Mindset, Coaching, Personal Development, Elite Performance, and Leadership Development. Whether you’d like to get better or be better, we are sure the content of our Podcasts will enlighten and inspire you to supercharge your personal development journey. We will be hearing from Olympic Champions, Industry Leaders, and more importantly, ordinary folk like you and I who have an amazing story to tell. We hope you enjoy and please do share!